Tuesday, December 12, 2006

It takes alot of money to sound this cheap

Today we are heading to rehearsal to iron out some of the kinks on a few songs. Recording will resume next week.

However, as the year draws to a close, I would like to pay tribute to the music gear that I successfully blew up while playing/rehearsing with airiel.

Here goes:

3 Rack reverb effect units.

3 Amplifiers(all of professional quality) one of which actually getting the last laugh by sending electricity from the wall into me. fun! thanks ampeg.

2 guitar pedals

1 Fender Jaguar

i'm sure there is more. I just haven't had enough caffeine to access that part of my brain yet.

In other news, I have not been going out as much as i used to due to the work that is required for this album. As a result, I am starting to look more and more like a homeless person...and...i kind of dig it.

until next time,

got any change?


1 comment:

jh said...

Yeesh...a Jaguar? Hope it was a reissue.

I greatly appreciate your sacrifice of perfectly good equipment in your pursuit of sonic catharsis.

In my teenage days of experimenting with tape loops, I only managed to soundly defeat a Squier and an ugly red fuzz pedal with the wrong A/C adapter. Intentionally, of course.