Thursday, January 11, 2007

salmon disaster 2007

day 5 is done.

looking back on the amount of work we have done in this short time is somewhat crazy.

cory and jeremy have been working on vocals at night which is why i got to leave the studio early today.

balthazaar john and myself have been knee deep in a halo death match since vocals have been taking up so much of our time these past couple of days. baltie and i are somewhat pathetic when compared to john's advanced battle tactics.

the 3 of us also managed to make the entire studio (hallways and lobby included) smell like a dead fish after an incident with what we assumed was breakfast salmon this morning. this particular mishap lead to us toying with the notion of creating a myspace page for a 600lb grouper that plays lap steel guitar named seth.

we're not going insane, i swear.


1 comment:

pine cone 4 said...

so ,um...when did john get so good at halo? has everybody been practicing except me?